Wednesday, March 30, 2011

0330 training log


BTN Push Press @ 85 kgs for  singles and doubles, had to drop back down to 80, because on the 2nd set, dropped bar too high on neck, and for a second, thought I would go see Jesus. Ended up doing a whole bunch of split BTN presses, and felt really unstable.
... superset with chinups at BW, +10, +15, +20, + 30, , for mostly triples. Was able to push out a lot more reps than I thought.. Hit 3 full-range reps with +30 kgs. Right elbow playing up again.
Should aim for + 40 kgs total soon.

Unilteral Montierth Cable Flyes are becoming increasingly less effective now. maybe I should decrease weight and return to exggerated supination + compression. 50s were impossible to pull in, felt VERY different from the 40s and 45s. tried doing parallel-grip benchpresses instead, but to little avail. damn...
Pulled cable rows at x3 of flyes, so started at 120, then to 135, then 145..... maintained with shoulder movements only. barely any bicep movement.

pics from today, because I fixed my motorola droid, got it upgraded to 2.3 Froyo!

Monday, March 28, 2011

0328 Week 3 Day 2

I don't know what it is, but I've been hitting PRs on nearly all lifts this week. 
Powercleaned 102 kgs for singles x 5
DL PR at 157 kgs for 4 sets (failed on fifth)
FS 105 singles x3 , after I realized 100 was 2-3 RM. for the first 2 sets.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

0327, Week 3, Day 1.


Looking forward to shedding more fat this week. 
Quasi-Keto dieting was helping, then I let go last week, with 3 cheat windows (fried chicken..) weighed in at 99 flat, just after the workout. seems I have a + or - 1.5 kg swing going on here.

Had a cup of joe and a stick of 연양갱 to start off, and warmed up with about 3 sets of buildup for the first working set. Both the incline and the pulldowns came easy.
... but also miscalculated first woring set for incline press, and had to correct and account for barweight, which I guess was about 10kgs. Pulldowns at 105,120,135 kgs, reps at 5, 3, 2,2,2,2.. surpised I can pull down this much ...

Rows were pretty easy. tried to maintain parallel and hold at chest. Dips were a lot mroe challeneging, but pushed through with 8kgs, 15, then 20kgs for 4 full working sets.


Sidelats. not sure if I even need these anymore...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

0326 circuit

Didn't feel like doing anything excessive. 
Today is supposed to be my recovery day, 
but I didn't do any cardio or stretching yesterday
so right after helping my team-mate work out some.

I took my hanging-abstraps outside to the field

where there were also chinup bars and parallel bars.

In order of :

Dips + Pullups/Chinups + Hanging Leg raises (abstrap) + fast bodyweight squats
all at BW.

General rule of thumb, if # Reps on dips was X, then pullup/chinups were also X,
leg raises were 2X, and BW squats were 3X.
Rep ranges for dips were from 3-9. mostly between 5-7.

Did about 6?7? circuits which too roughly 20 minutes or less.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

0324 log

이런저런 이유로 좀 힘 빠지는 날이다. 그래도 커피에 연양갱 먹고 스쿼트랙을 만나러 갔다.

백 스쿼트 올림픽 스쿼트를 시도해봤으나, 고중량은 여전히 로바(lowbar) 포지션이 유리한 것 같다. 90도까지만 하강, 이마에 핏줄이 터지도록 밀어제겼다. 145는 약간 무리가 있는 듯 하나... 일단 145 3번세트는 다민군의 적당한 보조로 무난하게 마무리. 슈퍼세팅한 햄스트링 컬은 140kg까지 갔다. 2회 반복까지는 자세가 나오는데, 3회가 자꾸 풀림.
 원암 데드리프트. 100키로를 꼭 쳐야겠다는 욕심을 안고 들어가. 그.사.람. 생각하면서 열심히 당겼다. 
왼팔이 약해서, 왼쪽부터 먼저했다. 70kkg, 90kg, 100kg. 워낙 특이한 운동이라 그런지, 쳐다보는 사람들이 많았다.
90kg 1회부터 왼쪽 갈빗대가 금가는 느낌 비슷한 수축이 있었다. 순간 '아 이래서 데드가 코어 운동이라고 하는구나' 싶었다. 내일 DOM이나 없었으면 좋겠다.

후..walk on soldier.


Back Squat

ChAoS & PAIN: *Dude, So and So Got SO Fucking Jacked For That M...

ChAoS & PAIN: *Dude, So and So Got SO Jacked For That M...: "Everytime I hear someone say that an actor got jacked for a movie, I chuckle inwardly. they make it out as if that guy got HYOOOOGE for the..."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

0323 WED log

..been definitely trying to lift less with my legs on the BTN.

decided to go heavy as possible with chinups, so strapped up a belt and hung dumbells on my hanging-ab straps. First set was BW, second with 15kgs, third with 25kgs, third with 30, repeat to four and fifth. think i pulled something on my left trap, near the neck.. all chinups were pretty strict, except last set, i couldn't hit full ROM. mostly lat shrugs and bicep activation to about 100deg...

Montierth Cable Flies are becoming  too awkward at heavier weights, and especially coming straight off of BTNs which tend to put some stress on my elbows.  will need to find some sort of alternative setup to hit pecs isolaterally..

Cable Rows @ 80,100,120,120,120. feel like I should go heavier... crappy equipment makes the most horrid sound..

Did supplementary sets with the side lat raises.. 3-7-10-12-14-15, reps ranges 10~5.

Abe and Abel @ HGU "Dungeon"

2.5 hours of training my team-mates, then 1.5 hours of training for myself. then about 1.5 hours of football practice. Weight hit recent all-time low of 96.15...

Fatboy pushed my headdown during practice, think i may have pulled something from that.. will have to get stronger to destroy his ass when we're in gear... sweat now so he'll cry later

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


By June 2011

BW 95
w/BF 10

DL 180.
w/ One arm DL 120

SQ 160
w/ FSQ 120
w/ FSQ 55% for 24 reps

Pullup 140
w/ BW for 20

45 Incline Bench 100
w/ BW for 80

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21, 2011.

Cleaned 97 kgs for triples, x3.

couldn't have breakfast due to 2nd period presentation

had two hot cups of coffee, a 양갱바 and usual vitamins+bcaa stack 30 minutes prior lifting.

Moved entire program day, so as to avoid today's lifts from overlapping with football practice.

Lifts are going up noticably... Power Cleans @ 95 kg is very close to my target of 100, which hopefully I will achieve by my next cycle. Deadlifted 140s with relative ease. .. Wonder what kind of number I could achieve if DLs were a priority order.
Front squats went up to 95, x3 reps were pretty simple. Bust through 80 only a few cycles ago, so this is good. Yesterday's cable pulldowns say 125 kgs for 3-4 reps, so i'm happy. perhaps it's that new creatine I'm taking...

As for the supersets, DLs coupled with slow deliberate knee-raises x5, and superset FS with hamstring curls.. (got 135 kgs today. Will need to start stacking a lot more weights on the stacks.)

I guess i should continue pushing heavier weights and simultaneously learn to hit reps on these 85% or greater values...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 15 workout log

Hit a lot of confident PRs today.

Hit 75 on the PCs, bruised my left shoulder and my right clavicle, but who cares.. haha

frontsquat.. 75 was pretty good. Deads.. may improve on the next cycle. The PCs really take it out of me...  all weights on table do not take accout of weight of barbell, which is about 35 lbs (17 kgs)..

then added about 2 hours of football training. Playing center is hard...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 1-1 of 5x5

Back on 5x5.

Inclines were definitely harder at 45 degrees. last rep on the 75 took nearly 15 seconds.
..I think the 15cm-gap on the rail for the smith machine could hold a barbell,
for the sake of free-weight bb-pressing. Will test it out with damin later today..

Pullups superset with incline press always feels great, didn't use any extra weights today.
all 5 sets, every pullup was perfect...

BB rows are always an awkward movement... and not too sure about 1Rm or even the percentages.
Mostly due to the fact that it's so heavily reliant on bicep activiation, cheating, and how warmed up my core is.

Dips were done with two unweighted barbell bars, laid parallel on the squat rack. Weighted dips as usual. 10kgs on first set, then 20 kgs on the rest. Couldn't get past 4th rep on set 3~5.( Perhaps I should look into more isolation movements for lower chest...? Incline presses really tire out my triceps.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

QD - Week 3 day 4.

Came to the gym in the morning.. completely not warmed up.. took nearly a whole hour to charge up my "spinal fortitude"...

DL 125x8x3
SS w/ Hanging Cable-leg tuckups 30 ea.x8x3

Incline Montierth Cable Flys 30x8x3
SS w/ Standing Plate Rows 20ea x8x3

Ezbar Reverse Curls 30x8x3
SS w/ Dumbell Kickback (simultaneous, bentover) 10x8x3

..then after dinner played football.
regretted doing DLs..
hopefully I'll build up enough stamina/power, that exercises won't negatively affect performance on field..

Monday, March 7, 2011

Workout: quattro dynamo week 2 day 2.

BTN press 31 kg x 25 x 2
(was doing about 29 kgs last week, but this week really sucked. reached absolute failure on second set.)
Lat pulldown 65x25x2 

front squat @ 55x25x2
(absolutely feeling that lactic acid buildu, or whatever the hell that is, going past 14-15 range)
hamstring curls @ 85x25x2

walked around at least 10 minutes around the gym trying to work out that lactic acid-ish feel
not as bad as last week dry-heaving, but still pretty nasty in the hamstrings. 
tried doing some calf-raises, but hamstring started to cramp.

took about 35 minutes-ish for whole program.
no mini-sd card on my droid, can't take pics.