Monday, April 4, 2011

Forget Deloading. Straight over to CnP's "So and So Said..."

  1. click to view

The Excel spreadsheet was made from Jamie's posting at CnP,
(click links to read up)
So.. today was day one, week 1.

click to view
All sets were done within set parameters. 10 sets, first 2 supersetted. Had to use a 4x6 card to keep track of my sets. don't want to lose track...

BTN presses were fun, but because i couldn't start on a rack, had to clean them, then press it over and down to my upper trapz. (so technically, i did 4? meh)

Front squats were freaking easy, so I need to go heavier next week. faster than i thought.

Weighted pullups with 15kg DB strapped. Some pain in fingers... think there's a bit of skin tear, sort of like YC's from a few days ago. Need to use more back, less arms..

Total time: 40 minutes, weight: 98 kgs..


  1. Also, try a steinborn lift into a BTN jerk, or rolling it up your back ala Arthur Saxon.

  2. @ Dray: fixed! Hope it works now

    thanks for the Steinborn.. dang those look awesome. I DO have a rack at the gym, but wasn't able to use it (some other dude...) will try tho, and let you know.
