zerchers slow buildup from bar-+20+20+20.. to 125 for doubles on first 4, then triples on 5~8.
MPs are coming along horribly. Might be all the useless pushups I've been doing @ football training. will have to restart at about 50, cleanse form and build from there.
had to work with 80~90kgs with PCs, wsn't feeling it at all. Worked more shrugs to gain momentum, but the bar is pretty badly bent, and caught it with my chest several times. stopped at fifth set of triples.
Nothing special otherwise.
Will take a week off of lifting, hopefully do light jogs around school, but I think it's time to deload. I'm getting coldsweat and have trouble concentrating, both in and out of training. Knees make funny sounds..
Think through my goals, maybe try Waterbury's BBB after next week's deload.
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