Went in with absolute confidence.
Zercher PR @ 137x1x2. built up with 3~7 reps on 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 137, 145(failed) 137, then down to 127 x1 for 6 sets. Didn't feel like doing triples, so just stuck to singles. (attempted doubles, but no success) 60 second breaks
Started with seated MP @ 45 kgs, realized it was too easy, so moved up to 55, then 60.
4 sets performed @ 60. 60 second breaks.
BW Shrugs, hanging upside down on pullup bar. did 4-5 reps per set. Don't know how to add resistance here.. .tried wider grips..etc
Moved straight on to shrugs on bench-plate-press machine . Had to add 90 kgs on each side for sufficient resistance. 3 reps till cramp. My elbows are a lot weaker than I thought.
will post video soon...