Came into the gym really late, walked in at 10:30 ish..
Gave Professor Schulten a quick workout (mostly olympic movements) and started to warm up... (my back was compressed enough, surprisingly!)
DLs at 135 came easy, for low reps. my hams/ glutes/ quads were all really sore from last night's football practice..
High Pulls.. nothing special..
Montierth Cables.. again, worked with 13 kgs on each cable, but bad focus today. (I think doing pushups during practice didn't help..) next time, I will have to adjust the height of the pullys, so I don't need to hyperextend my chest/anterior delts.
Hamstring curls/legpress.. nothing special..
With high pulls it helped a lot to shoot my knees forward, and throw my chest out, look forward and make sure my shoulders were ahead of the bar. With that technique, I got a 250 high pull (in lb's) past belly button height and probably could have moved a bit more, with my last PR on high pulls having been a set of 2 with 235 and less than an inch of "pull" at the top of the high pull.
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