DL day.
Finally back to lifting 150kgs DL with ease.
Standard DL 4-5 wu sets, 5 x ( 150
Sumo DL 3 x 5 x 80
Getup Movements
Leg Tuckins.
Should aim for 160 next week for some singles.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Conditioning Research: Two novel glute exercises
Conditioning Research: Two novel glute exercises: Bret Contreras specialises in glute training. I've probably discussed before how the glutes are fundamental to much movement, especially a...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
log 11-09-13 pull day (back)
어제 못한 스쿼트
5x5 @ 100kg 으로 ATG explosive thrust 위주로 했다.
햄스트링 컬과 슈퍼세트
스쿼트로 몸풀고나서...
등 운동을 바꿔봤다.
광배근이 이외로 약하다는 생각과, 예전처럼 자극받기 위해...
사실 바벨로우 동작도 75는 조금 무리였던것 같다.
피라미드 하면서 올렸는데
60을 지나니 집중이잘안되네.
친업은 손잡이를 조금 갖고 놀아봤더니 전반적으로 베리굿..
랫풀은 차별화하기 위해서 최대한 쥐어짰는데
음 잘 모르겠다. 결국 드랍세트 실시. 전완이 더 아프다. ㅠㅠ
Monday, September 12, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
log 11-09-05 squats
한동안 프런트수쿼트에 시간투자하다가 다시 백스쿼트로 돌아옴
백 (하이/로우) 다하고 마무리로 프런트 하는것이 전반적인 파워에는 더 효과적인 것 같다.
프런트는 힘들기는 드럽게 힘든데, 다른 리프트에 도움이 별로 안된다...
130까지 적절한 워밍업. 150까지 다시 올릴려면 시간 좀 걸릴 듯.
130ATG 2회반복 6세트 후 100x4, 60x8로 마무리...
너무 오랜만에 해서인지 세트6에서 i nearly soiled myself..fuh.
Leg Extension이제 100도 쉬워졌다. 다음주는 105로 올려야지..
런지가순간 폭팔력이 마음에 안들어서, 피스톨 스쿼트로 시도했다가
여전히 문제가 있어서 그냥 스미스 머신 밑에 밴치 하나 끼워놓고
한다리씩 번갈아 가면서 피스톨점프. ㅋㅋ 가라지만 그래도 효과는 좋음.
담주도 이건 해야겠다.
카프레이즈 생략. 햄스트링 케이블 크런치 10회반복 3세트.. 역시 고립의 힘이란..
3세트 마무리하고 자리에서못 일어남.. ..쥐쥐.
log 11-09-03 armsday
지난주는 귀찮으니즘과 예술치료 번역물 마감에 쫓겨목-금 (데드리프트/상체푸쉬)
일요일날 오후에 들어와서 허리풀고 운동시작.
이상하게 요즘 딥이 잘 안된다. 어께운동을 시작해서인지
아래로 내려오면 힘을 못쓴다. 딥은 본래 가슴도 가슴이지만
어께힘이 좋아야 하는데, 힘을 빼 놓으니 그런 것 같다.
French Press는 팔꿈치가 앞을 향하고 주먹이 정면을 향하도록 ezbar잡고 했더니
약간 부자연스럽기는 하나, 수축 고립이 잘 되는 것 같다. 왠만큼 반동을 써도
삼두에 자극이 효과적으로 가는듯.
마지막에 케이블 킥백은 그립을 다양하게 바꾸면서 했는데,7.5kg만 달았다는게 믿기지 않을 정도로 힘들었다. 부들부들.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
11-08-20 Arms Supplments.
Monday, August 1, 2011
SNH: Week 5 Day 1
Day 1 (Upper PUSH) | set/rep/load | ||
Triple Grip Lat Pulldown | 5 3 2 / 8 5 3 | bw 555 | |
Montierth Cable Flys (Incline) | 6 x 10 | 25 | |
Cable Row (parallel grip) | 5 x 5 | 100 | |
Dips | BW | ||
Cable Rows w/ Bar | 3 x 10 | 50 | |
Narrow Bench Press | 75 |
Somebody else was using the lat machine,
so I just went with 6 sets of triple-grip
(widegrip, standard pronated, parallel) pullups instead.
It was a challenge, because my grip was giving out...
Something to workon..
Getting pretty good at squeezing shoulder blades together with the cable rows.
Weighed in @ 102~103 kgs today. i really suck at this losing-weight thing.
SNH: Week 4 Day 4
Cleans | 3 x 3 @ 100kgs | ||
Deadlifts | 8 x 3 @ 150kgs | ||
Abstrap Hang Knee Tuck | 8 x 6 @ BW | ||
Front Squats | 2 x 25 | 50 | |
Alternating Hamstring Curls (stand) | 50 |
have been far too inconsistent with posting logs.
..Finally doing 100kg cleans and 150 DLs for reps..
going great. will try for 170 kg DL PR this coming week..
Friday, July 15, 2011
SNH: Week 2 Day 5
Finally some air-conditioning!!!
Cleans WU~80, 3 x 3 @ 90kg
Deadlifts WU@60~120, 5 x 3 @ 140kg, 1 x 150, 1 x 160, 1 x 170 (Fail)
§ Hanging Knee Raise 8 x 6
§ Hanging Knee Raise 8 x 6
Front Squats WU@60, 5 x 5 @ 80kg
§ Hamstring Curls 5 x 5 @ 80kg (isolated)
§ Hamstring Curls 5 x 5 @ 80kg (isolated)
Cable Push Pull @ 30 degrees 2 x 20 both directions. 12.5 kgs
Calf Raises 2 x 200 BW
I hope I get to hit BWx2 this break!!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
SNH: Week 2 Day 2
Humidity seems to be at an all-time high.
Felt like I was swimming in the gym. Sweat all over the place...
Back Squat 8 x 3reps @ 125. (first set was 130, but felt too heavy for 8sets)
§ Hamstring Curls 8 x 3 @ 130
Leg Extensions 5 x 5 @ 100kgs
Dumbbell Step-ups 2x25 @ 15kgs ea arm.
Cable Push-Pull. 2 x 20 @ 12.5 kgs
Pretty much destroyed..
SNH: Week 2 Day 1
Triple Grip Lat Pull Downs: 532 I 853 @ 90/110/130, 70/90/100 kgs
§ Pecdeck Flys: 3x10 @ 60kgs.... ATrainer Flys: 3x10 @ 15kgs
BB Rows: 5x5 @ 60 kgs. did 10 reps on last set.. should go for 75 next time
§ Dips 5x5 @ BW
Cable Towel Rows: 2x25 @ 60/50
§ Pushups on EZ-Bar 2x25 @ BW, as fast as possible
Something is missing. I need to add something more to my back day...
§ Pecdeck Flys: 3x10 @ 60kgs.... ATrainer Flys: 3x10 @ 15kgs
BB Rows: 5x5 @ 60 kgs. did 10 reps on last set.. should go for 75 next time
§ Dips 5x5 @ BW
Cable Towel Rows: 2x25 @ 60/50
§ Pushups on EZ-Bar 2x25 @ BW, as fast as possible
Something is missing. I need to add something more to my back day...
Monday, July 11, 2011
SNH: Week 1 Day 5
Thursday, July 7, 2011
SNH: Week 1 Day 4
Had about 3 weeks off since the BBB
began last week, trying to readapt my joints to heavy lifting.
Pretty much back in the groove now.
Squats 8x3 @ 120kgs were a failure last week at the 6th set, but
this tuesday's attempt was more than successful. All ATG squats with good hipdrive.
Will consider this week as WEEK 1.
began last week, trying to readapt my joints to heavy lifting.
Pretty much back in the groove now.
Squats 8x3 @ 120kgs were a failure last week at the 6th set, but
this tuesday's attempt was more than successful. All ATG squats with good hipdrive.
Will consider this week as WEEK 1.
Will start running next week to cut down to 90 kgs,
so focus will be more on maintaining strength and general workload capability than anything else. Goal is to drop 7 kilos by July 28th, 21 days from now.
Currently 99.5~100. change up my diet, eat less, and do hillsprints.
The swimming pool nearby shutdown, so I'm down with options...
Monday, June 6, 2011
홀리램스 예열 및 기초체력 운동계획
주 5회, 총 3주간, Joe DeFranco 의 스포츠 퍼포먼스 스케줄
"Westside for Skinny Bastards" 를 응용하고.
운동 종목은 Waterbury의 BIg Boy Basics 의 볼륨 슈퍼세팅을
참고하여 한동대학교의 환경에 적합하도록 응용했음.
Dynamic Warm-up
Dynamic Warmup 이거는 매일 아침마다 해도 매우 좋을 듯!
*General Warm-up Phase
- Body squats x 10
- Jumping jacks x 15
- Seal jumping jacks x 15 (팔 내리지 말고 몸앞으로)
- Front skips — 20 yards down & back (shuffle skips)
- Stationary side lunge x 8 each leg
- Side shuffle, 20 yds. down & back
- Stationary leg swings (front & back) x 10 each leg
- Stationary leg swings (side to side) x 10 ea. leg
- 60% Build-up sprint (arm & posture focus) — 30 yds. down and back
- Lunge walk x 10 steps down and back
- Backpedal x 20 yds. down and back
- Squat jumps x 5
- 75% Build-up sprint — (knee drive focus) — 40 yds. down and back
Monday, A.M. — Energy system training (change of direction focus)
Ground-Based Mobility Phases
- Back bridges x 10
- Iron cross x 10 each leg
- Rollovers into V sits x 10
- Birddogs (on all 4’s) — 10 each arm/leg
- Fire hydrant circles — 10 fwd, 10 bkw /leg
- Prone scorpions x 10 ea. leg
- Mountain climbers x 10 ea. leg
- Groiners x 10
Frequency Phase
- Low pogo jumps — 3 x 20 sec.
- High pogo jumps — 3 x 10 sec.
- Quick steps/Ankling — 2 sets of 10 yards
- Wideouts — 2 sets of 5 sec. (in and out as fast as possible!)
- Lateral quick steps — 2 sets of 10 yards
- 85% Build-up sprint — 40 yds.
Change of Direction Drills (라인맨 이외)
- 20-yard pro-agility shuttle — 3 reps starting to the left, 3 reps starting to your right. Rest 30 seconds between reps.
- 3-cone drill — 5 reps, rest 1 minute between reps.
- Illinois drill — 3 reps (The goal is to complete all 3 reps in under 15 seconds. Rest 2 min. between sets.)
Monday, P.M. — Max-Effort Upper Body Lifting
A. Max-Effort Horizontal — Superset 8 sets for 3reps, @ 5RM
- Weighted Dips
§ Seated Cable Rows w/ abstrap
수퍼세트간 *45 초 휴식
B. Max-Effort Vertical — Superset 8 sets for 3reps, @ 5RM
- Weighted Pullups
§ Behind the Neck BB Push Press
수퍼세트간 *45 초 휴식
C. Explosive Movement
종목이 끝난 이후 Burpee x3 + Gorilla Chinups x3, 총 3라운드.
Tuesday — Lower Body Strength Training
A. Max-Effort Knees — Superset 4 sets for 6reps, @ 8RM
- Barbell Squats
§ Hamstring Curls
수퍼세트간 *60 초 휴식
B. Max Effort Hips — Superset 4 sets for 6reps, @ 8RM
- Isolateral Ez-Bar Deadlifts
§ Hanging Knee Raise
수퍼세트간 *90 초 휴식
C. Explosive Movment
- Jump Lunge -2 sets for 10 reps ea. @ BW
- 계단 뛰어 올라가기.
1칸, 2칸, 3칸, 4칸
Wednesday — Energy System Training (linear speed focus)
Dynamic Warm-up
*General Warm-up Phase
Hurdle Mobility Phase — 4-5 hurdles
- Walking over/under — front (2 sets)
- Walking over/under — sideways (2 sets)
- Leg swings over hurdles (2 sets)
- Trail leg pick-ups over hurdles (2 sets)
Frequency Phase
- Jump rope — 3 x 20 seconds
- Left leg 2 x 15 sec.
- Right leg 2 x 15 sec.
- 85% Build-up sprint — 40 yds.
Linear Speed Workout
- Hurdle Hops or High Box Jumps — Perform 3 sets of 3 jumps. Rest one minute between sets.
- Loaded 20-yard sprints (use either a weighted vest or sled) — Perform 6 weighted 20-yard sprints. Rest 30 seconds between sprints.
- Free sprints (no added weight) — 4x 20-yard sprints, rest 30 seconds between Rest one minute then 3 x 30-yard sprints. Rest time it takes you to walk back to the start line. Rest one minute then perform two 40-yard sprints. Rest two minutes between the 40-yard sprints.
Thursday — Repetition Upper Body Strength Training
A. Repetition Vertical — 90초간 최대 반복수: 혹은 18회, 먼저 성공하는 쪽으로 계산
- Triple Grip Pulldowns (753-975)
§ 45 Incline Smith Press (shoulder-width grip)
수퍼세트간 *120 초 휴식
B. Repetition Horizontal— 90초간 최대 반복수: 혹은 18회, 먼저 성공하는 쪽으로 계산
- Row Machine Towel Pull OR BB/DB/Plate High-Pulls
§ Cable Flys to Ground OR Punch Pushups
수퍼세트간 *90 초 휴식
Friday — Lower Body Strength
A. Max-Effort Knees — 8 supersets
- Front Squats x 3 @ 5RM, 풀스쿼트자세.
§ Hamstring Curls x 6 @ 8RM
수퍼세트간 *45 초 휴식
B. Max Effort – Hips — 8 supersets
- Barbell Deadlifts x 3 @ 5RM
§ Hanging Knee Pull-ins
OR Weighted Knee Tuckins
OR Weighted Knee Tuckins
수퍼세트간 *45 초 휴식
C. Explosive Movment
- Ski Jumper w/ Knee Tuckins 4 sets for 5 reps ea. @ BW
- Shuffle and Tiptoes and Carioca Uphill
총정리를 보자면 다음과 같다.
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