주 5회, 총 3주간, Joe DeFranco 의 스포츠 퍼포먼스 스케줄
"Westside for Skinny Bastards" 를 응용하고.
운동 종목은 Waterbury의 BIg Boy Basics 의 볼륨 슈퍼세팅을
참고하여 한동대학교의 환경에 적합하도록 응용했음.
Dynamic Warm-up
Dynamic Warmup 이거는 매일 아침마다 해도 매우 좋을 듯!
*General Warm-up Phase
- Body squats x 10
- Jumping jacks x 15
- Seal jumping jacks x 15 (팔 내리지 말고 몸앞으로)
- Front skips — 20 yards down & back (shuffle skips)
- Stationary side lunge x 8 each leg
- Side shuffle, 20 yds. down & back
- Stationary leg swings (front & back) x 10 each leg
- Stationary leg swings (side to side) x 10 ea. leg
- 60% Build-up sprint (arm & posture focus) — 30 yds. down and back
- Lunge walk x 10 steps down and back
- Backpedal x 20 yds. down and back
- Squat jumps x 5
- 75% Build-up sprint — (knee drive focus) — 40 yds. down and back
Monday, A.M. — Energy system training (change of direction focus)
Ground-Based Mobility Phases
- Back bridges x 10
- Iron cross x 10 each leg
- Rollovers into V sits x 10
- Birddogs (on all 4’s) — 10 each arm/leg
- Fire hydrant circles — 10 fwd, 10 bkw /leg
- Prone scorpions x 10 ea. leg
- Mountain climbers x 10 ea. leg
- Groiners x 10
Frequency Phase
- Low pogo jumps — 3 x 20 sec.
- High pogo jumps — 3 x 10 sec.
- Quick steps/Ankling — 2 sets of 10 yards
- Wideouts — 2 sets of 5 sec. (in and out as fast as possible!)
- Lateral quick steps — 2 sets of 10 yards
- 85% Build-up sprint — 40 yds.
Change of Direction Drills (라인맨 이외)
- 20-yard pro-agility shuttle — 3 reps starting to the left, 3 reps starting to your right. Rest 30 seconds between reps.
- 3-cone drill — 5 reps, rest 1 minute between reps.
- Illinois drill — 3 reps (The goal is to complete all 3 reps in under 15 seconds. Rest 2 min. between sets.)
Monday, P.M. — Max-Effort Upper Body Lifting
A. Max-Effort Horizontal — Superset 8 sets for 3reps, @ 5RM
- Weighted Dips
§ Seated Cable Rows w/ abstrap
수퍼세트간 *45 초 휴식
B. Max-Effort Vertical — Superset 8 sets for 3reps, @ 5RM
- Weighted Pullups
§ Behind the Neck BB Push Press
수퍼세트간 *45 초 휴식
C. Explosive Movement
종목이 끝난 이후 Burpee x3 + Gorilla Chinups x3, 총 3라운드.
Tuesday — Lower Body Strength Training
A. Max-Effort Knees — Superset 4 sets for 6reps, @ 8RM
- Barbell Squats
§ Hamstring Curls
수퍼세트간 *60 초 휴식
B. Max Effort Hips — Superset 4 sets for 6reps, @ 8RM
- Isolateral Ez-Bar Deadlifts
§ Hanging Knee Raise
수퍼세트간 *90 초 휴식
C. Explosive Movment
- Jump Lunge -2 sets for 10 reps ea. @ BW
- 계단 뛰어 올라가기.
1칸, 2칸, 3칸, 4칸
Wednesday — Energy System Training (linear speed focus)
Dynamic Warm-up
*General Warm-up Phase
Hurdle Mobility Phase — 4-5 hurdles
- Walking over/under — front (2 sets)
- Walking over/under — sideways (2 sets)
- Leg swings over hurdles (2 sets)
- Trail leg pick-ups over hurdles (2 sets)
Frequency Phase
- Jump rope — 3 x 20 seconds
- Left leg 2 x 15 sec.
- Right leg 2 x 15 sec.
- 85% Build-up sprint — 40 yds.
Linear Speed Workout
- Hurdle Hops or High Box Jumps — Perform 3 sets of 3 jumps. Rest one minute between sets.
- Loaded 20-yard sprints (use either a weighted vest or sled) — Perform 6 weighted 20-yard sprints. Rest 30 seconds between sprints.
- Free sprints (no added weight) — 4x 20-yard sprints, rest 30 seconds between Rest one minute then 3 x 30-yard sprints. Rest time it takes you to walk back to the start line. Rest one minute then perform two 40-yard sprints. Rest two minutes between the 40-yard sprints.
Thursday — Repetition Upper Body Strength Training
A. Repetition Vertical — 90초간 최대 반복수: 혹은 18회, 먼저 성공하는 쪽으로 계산
- Triple Grip Pulldowns (753-975)
§ 45 Incline Smith Press (shoulder-width grip)
수퍼세트간 *120 초 휴식
B. Repetition Horizontal— 90초간 최대 반복수: 혹은 18회, 먼저 성공하는 쪽으로 계산
- Row Machine Towel Pull OR BB/DB/Plate High-Pulls
§ Cable Flys to Ground OR Punch Pushups
수퍼세트간 *90 초 휴식
Friday — Lower Body Strength
A. Max-Effort Knees — 8 supersets
- Front Squats x 3 @ 5RM, 풀스쿼트자세.
§ Hamstring Curls x 6 @ 8RM
수퍼세트간 *45 초 휴식
B. Max Effort – Hips — 8 supersets
- Barbell Deadlifts x 3 @ 5RM
§ Hanging Knee Pull-ins
OR Weighted Knee Tuckins
OR Weighted Knee Tuckins
수퍼세트간 *45 초 휴식
C. Explosive Movment
- Ski Jumper w/ Knee Tuckins 4 sets for 5 reps ea. @ BW
- Shuffle and Tiptoes and Carioca Uphill
총정리를 보자면 다음과 같다.
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